AlSalam Alikom,
How are you today?
As you read the title, I wanna elaborate more on Maslow's Pyramid , but before I do that I'd like 1st to dedicate special Thanks to YASMINE SABRY, who was generous enough to provide me with these infos about our topic today .... Thank you YASMINE so much , A3ZAKY ALLAH WA JAZAKY 7'AYRAN 3ANY WA 3AN EVERYONE WHO GONNA READ THIS POST AND BENEFIT FROM ....
Now, Why do I wanna elaborate more on this ???
Because ... I liked it so much as we move up through these levels unconsciously, so when we come to realize that, i.e we bring it to our conscious level so we become more able to deal with it, and even we might be more able to break this order and may jump up in levels, so I thought I should share this with everyone, so we can work together to break the order :):):) ....
Let's 1st give you more infos about the topic ... Here it is ...
Physiological Needs
Physiological needs are the very basic needs such as air, water, food, sleep, sex, etc.
When these are not satisfied we may feel sickness, irritation, pain, discomfort, etc.
These feelings motivate us to alleviate them as soon as possible to establish homeostasis.
Once they are alleviated, we may think about other things.
Safety Needs
Safety needs have to do with establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world. These needs are mostly psychological in nature. We need the security of a home and family.
However, if a family is dysfunctional, family members cannot move to the next level because they have safety concerns. Love and belongingness have to wait until they are no longer in fear.
Many in our society cry out for law and order because they do not feel safe enough to go for a walk in their neighborhood. Unfortunately many people, particularly those in the inner cities, are stuck at this level ==>> Thanks to ALLAH we have no problems in this ...
Need to Belong
Love and sense of belonging are next on the ladder. Humans have a desire to belong to groups: clubs, work groups, religious groups, family, gangs, home country etc. We need to feel loved (non-sexual) by others, to be accepted by others. Performers appreciate applause. We need to be needed. We see numerous examples in advertising where our need for group belonging is tied to consumption of a particular product.
Esteem Needs
There are two types of esteem needs:
First is self-esteem which results from competence or mastery of a task.
Second, there's the attention and recognition that comes from others. This is similar to the sense of belonging level, however, wanting admiration has to do with the need for power. People who have all of their lower needs satisfied, often drive very expensive cars because doing so raises their level of esteem.
The need for self-actualisations is "the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming."
People who have everything can maximize their potential. They can seek knowledge, peace, aesthetic experiences, self-fulfilment, oneness with God etc.
It is usually middle-class to upper-class students who take up environmental causes, go off to a monastery, etc.
Maslow, A. (1970) Motivation and Personality.
So, From the previous Explanation, what do you think our level is??
Many of our society are stuck in the 1st level, where they struggle all day long to secure food and drink for their families ....
What about others ???
I think others are divided between the Need to Belong & Esteem Needs ...
Sense of Belonging is a very important energy and power for one to move on in life, if you don't feel that you belong to this country, so why do you bother yourself with its problems?? why to try to improve it?? why to work your best for it?? why to stay in it in the 1st place?? and this goes for sense of belonging to everything in life ....
And if you are one of those that are deeply in love with this country and have no issues of belonging to it, then you become stuck in Esteem Needs level, coz here, it is so difficult with the current economic circumstances to achieve self esteem, and it is very difficult to feel mastery on the tasks you perform as you will face problems with administration papers, routines and no one doing his/her job the way they should do ....
And so we can not reach to the final step where we can actually be creative and invent something useful for ourselves & for our country, unless we did that, we can not ever get to be a developed country unless we resolved that ....
So, what should we do now to overcome this and what to do to skip a level or jump a step up ???
1st ... I think everyone should believe in his/her belonging to this country, i don't know how i can help you in that?? but i think it is a natural thing to feel your belonging to this country, if you don't, then I think this is a pathological condition and you need to figure a way out of it ...
2nd ... Esteem issues, to overcome that you need 1st to set a goal for yourself then to confront yourself, tell yourself that no one controls your mind, if you believed in that then you can come up with creative solutions to all your problems in performing your tasks, and don't ever let others get to you, never let any obstacle stop you from doing your thing and reaching your goal ... once you do that then you can now move up to creativity ...
But, do we need to resolve Esteem issues to be creative, is it really that important ???
I don't know, but I feel that i can skip this, why wasting my time in fights and struggles when i can create and invent ?? couldn't I/you do that?? Any ideas on how to skip this level, to jump up a step???
Well, enough for today, I'll wait for your comments and contributions, there is a link for leaving your comments at the end of this post ....
Talk to you later ...
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