Sunday, December 28, 2008

Forget about Ahly, Zamalek and all Egyptian Soccer and watch these Amazing Videos

Alsalam Alikom,



How are you doing all ?

It has been long time since my last post, I was really so busy ...

Anyway, I saw those amazing videos and I thought they should be a good come back ... Let's Forget all about Ahly in Japan, Zamalek with Bani Ebaid ... forget all About Egyptian Soccer and watch these vidoes ...

The 1st one is An Amazing finale of a Basketball game in NBA between Houston Rockets & Portland TrailBlazers on 06/11/2008 .... Watch how the final result kept swinging between the 2 teams in just 30 Seconds!!!! What a Game !!!!!!

The 2nd one is even more amazing, Tracy McGrady or T-MaC ( Like Houston Fans Like To Call him) Scores 13 points in just 35 seconds to win the Game for Houston Rockets Vs San Antonio Spurs ... Both are like Ahly & Zamalek Here in Egypt ... Just watch and enjoy :D:D

Well, I Hope that you enjoyed your stay, come Back soon .. C ya


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ramadan Mobarak

Alsalam Alikom,

How are you all ??

Long time since my last post but a great time to be back to Say Ramadan Mobarak To You All and wish you all a blessed and Happy Ramadan ...

And let me suggest some few things to you that could help us not to waste this Holly month and get the best out of it ... I wish you all Approved Fasting, Approved DU'AA and Oldness from the fire INSHALLAH ...

These recommendation i'm telling myself too ...

So, 1st of all We have to follow Mr. Amr Khaled new program in Ramadan " Qasas AL Quran " will be aired on Mehwar and Resalah TV every day at 11:00 pm KSA, 10:00 pm CLT and repeat will be on Mehwar everyday after ElAsr Prayer ...

2nd ... Mr. Amr recommended a very great idea of making a table for your activities for the whole month ... where you schedule your activities ... for example ... Reading Quran .. every day a whole chapter, prayers in Time in Mosque, Taraweeh pray, Sadaka, calling family and friends, making DUAA ... etc. ... u just mark every day what you got done from the list .. this will motivate you to do a lot and keep track of your progress through The Holly Month ...

3rd and the last thing, is to prepare special DUAA to make in Ramadan ... All Sahaba were doing that and they swear that next Ramadan comes with all their DUAA's of previous Ramadan has been answered ...

At Last, all I can say is that this is a chance for us to wash out all what we have done the previous year so, why not to seize it ???? please do your best to seize it ...

Happy Ramadan ....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

To Light a Small Candle is Better Than To Spend Your Life Cursing The Darkness

Alsalam Alikom,

How are you today ?

Today I wanna talk about something that has been bothering me for a while and keeps hitting my mind so i decided to let it out here ...

I wanna talk about a thing that is supposed to be a personal trait but the weired thing that in reality it is a community trait ...

I wanna talk about something that is holding us back and if we just stopped it or at least suppressed it for a while, I think our lives will improve a lot ....

Wanna know what I wanna talk about ???

Well continue reading & you will know ... :D

I wanna talk about us complaining all the time about our bad life circumstances and never do anything about it ...

Just complaining, screaming, shouting, cursing .. but never thinking what to do to change it ..

The weired thing that this should be a personal trait, i mean this should be how a person a like, this is his/her character, but not to be a trait that all the community share ???

If you watched the Movie " Yakobian Building " .... " عمارة يعقوبيان " ..... Khaled Saleh in a Scence said a sentence that is completely true ... He said
" People are looking at the government as if she is their mothers " ....
" الشعب ماسك فى الحكومة كأنها أمه "

Although he said it in another context, but when i thought about it, i said to myself yeh this is completely true ...
How ?? & please don't jump into conclusions and start judging me ... just read till the end to understand my point ...

Moms in our countries always do everything for their kids, and kids always expect that from their Moms and we grow up, get out of our homes to the real life, face difficulties and see the reality of life and how hard it actually is and this causes a lot of negative feelings inside us that we have to look for a relief for them ... How do we do that ??

Simple, by throwing the responsibility on the government, even if we share part of this responsibility ... I'm not saying that this is how everyone reacts, but a great proportion of us do so ...

Every difficulty in our lives, every problem we face, every hardship, directly the government is announced responsible...

I'm not saying that it is not responsible, of course it is ... but what I'm aiming at, what did we do about it ??? we just stop at defining the responsibility, then wait for the responsible to have an action, what if he didn't ?? what will be the situation?? what we gonna do ??? No one knows , No one thinks, No one takes an action ...

Let me ask you something ...

What if you are living in a building that needs some serious repairs or else it will collapse, and the owner of the building or the president of the Owner's Union is someone who is corrupted and won't take any action & you tried every single method to force him to repair it but he still didn't???
What will be the most appropriate action you gonna take ??

A) Will you keep holding him the responsibility then keep on complaining, shouting, cursing, screaming may be crying and never take an action till the building collapses on you and your family ???


B) Will you take an action, start planning with other residents/owners to repair the building on your expenses for the sake of yourself and your little family???

Of course, you should choose B ...

Although this is a very simple and very logic choice but when it comes to reality the majority chooses A ... I don't know why ?? I can't figure out a reason for such a silly choice ...

I think the problem is that we don't see the bigger picture, we don't understand that the building will collapse, I think this is the reason ... and Hence my post here, that i wish it could raise the public awareness, of course if the public read this, but if i only got just 1 person to see the bigger picture, then my job is done ...

What I mean is that We don't have to wait for the government to do everything for us, everyone who can fix anything should do it .. you are not doing it for the government you are doing it for yourself, this is our government and this is our country we can't work against each other, we have to work in a synergistic way, we complete each other ...

for example, if you complain of garbage that is everywhere, then you have to know that this is your garbage, you made it yourself, so if you don't like it then next time you should not throw it in the streets, when you driving your car, don't open the window to throw an empty can then complain of Garbage and remember the Hadith that says :

" اماطة الأذى عن الطريق صدقة "

& so if u can't remove it from the street, then at least don't complicate the problem more and more ...

Of course this is a very simple example, but if u thought about it, you'll see that you can apply it to every single aspect of our lives, if you have a problem, then try to figure out a solution for it ... for example if you complaining of bad education, then you can look for advanced courses, I personally hold a great respect to some of my friends who took a step forward than that, back in college they ran for a position in the student association and when they succeeded they started so many useful activities, they started arranging their student conference, which was a 1st in my faculty, that we hold a conference that is totally arranged by students, and they started arranging for courses in moderate & convenient fees for all students, they even started a student exchange program where some of our colleges traveled abroad through this program and gained a lot of experiences ....

Believe me it is easy to find a solution, if you really wanna find one, you just need to think with hope and faith in ALLAH and trust that ALLAH will reward your activities all the way ...

And you also need to do something else, you need to live as ALLAH and his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told you to live ... ALLAH created us to do 3 things ..

  1. Worshiping ALLAH ... عبادة الله
  2. Building Civilization on earth ..... عمارة الأرض
  3. Improving yourself to reach honesty in your worship of ALLAH .... تزكية النفس
تزكية النفس هو العلم الذى اذا طبقته يتحقق الاخلاص فى العبادة بمعنى ما يردده لسانك يردده قلبك فى نفس الوقت

And to do no. 2 we need....

- To work together ... most of our problems especially in the Arab world is that we can't work together, we are stubborn enough that no one can ever be flexible to listen to others opinions and actually follow them if they are correct ..

- To make our aim is the welfare of our countries and the Islamic UMMAH ... If you ever tried to do even a very little thing but with your intention is the welfare of the UMMAH, believe me the feeling is priceless, the best feeling that you can ever think of ... just try it once and you will never leave it ...
and Remember the Verse that says ..

" و من أحياها فكأنما أحيا الناس جميعا "

- To play on the referee whistle ... I mean you gotta work to improve our lives, to build civilization till the last breath of your life, even on the death bed ... From where i get that concept ??? ... From the prophet's Hadith ....

اذا قامت الساعة و بيد أحدكم فسيلة فليغرسها "
صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم

What is the meaning of this Hadith ??

It is an order from our Prophet to plant a seed if you have one in your hands even if the Apocalypse has started already i.e. play on the referee whistle, this is a clear identification of our role on planet earth, to build civilization ... even during Apocalypse and to have Hope till the last breathe .. i.e. it is a call for hard work, hope in tomorrow and to be optimistic ....

ِAnd at last ...

To light a Small Candle is Better Than To Spend Your Life Cursing the Darkness

I'm done talking, Hope that I had delivered my message ...

By the way, there is a really great book that can help you change your life .. it is named " How to stop worrying and start living " by Dale Carnegie ... Here is the link to it in Amazon ...

If you are interested, you can order it from Amazon, and you can find it in Virigin in Citystars, or in ElKotobkhan bookshop in Maadi ... Also, I think you'll find a translation for this great book in Arabic ... just ask for it ...

Talk to you later, waiting for your comments ...


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hemaya Campaign ... "Stop Drugs .. Change Your Life"

Alsalamo Alikom,

How are you all today ??

This Post is about Hemaya Campaign Against Drugs ... Its Title is " Stop Drugs ... Change Your Life " ... It's arranged by Hemaya Organization in Collaboration with Right Start Organization represented by Mr. Amr Khaled and Dubai Police Department .... The Following is a detailed description of everything regarding this campaign ....

I just wanna dedicate special thanks to my brother Ibrahim Hamdy who has provided me with the translated version of the campaign details so that I can post it here ... Jazak ALLAH Khayran ...

Please read it then try to contribute by any mean you can .. Thanks for your time ... Jazakom ALLAH Khayran ..

Hemaya Campaign

• A Quick Overview of the Current Situation:

1. The number of drug addicts in the Middle East has reached 10 million addicts, four of which happen to be in Egypt

2. The number of drug abusers, unfortunately, far exceeds the mentioned number of addicts

3. The counts are expected to further boom as a consequence of the decrease in drug prices, lack of job opportunities and spread of depression among youth

4. There’s continuous increase in the spread of crimes, ranging from rape to theft, road accidents, domestic violence, which are all threats to the safety of society

5. Drug addiction is no longer a “male” practice, it’s spreading among females which further threatens societal order

6. The number of drug addicts who sought treatment in the past three years has not outnumbered 4 thousand addicts

7. The spread of drug addiction among prisoners and the absence of any facility to treat them is another threat to societal order

عرض سريع للوضع الحالي

1- بلغ عدد مدمني المخدرات في العالم العربي حوالي 10 مليون مدمن وفي مصر وحدها حوالي 4 مليون مدمن.

2- يبلغ عدد المتعاطين للمخدرات أضعاف الرقم السابق.

3- يتوقع زيادة مطرده في هذه الاعداد نتيجة لانخفاض اسعار المخدرات وزيادة معدلات البطالة والاحباط لدى الشباب.

4- هناك تزايد مستمر في انتشار الجرائم الكبرى (الاغتصاب والقتل) والصغري (السرقة) وحوداث الطرق وجرائم العنف الاسري (بسبب ادمان الاب او الابن) مما يشكل تهديد متزايد لأمن المجتمع العربي.

5- الإدمان لم يعد منتشرا بين الذكور فقط وإنما تتزايد نسبته بين الإناث أيضا، مما يهدد بانتشار الجرائم الاخلاقية في المجتمع.

6- إجمالي عدد من توجه للعلاج في السنوات الثلاثة الاخيرة في العالم العربي لا يزيد عن 4 الالاف مدمن سنويا فقط.

7- انتشار الادمان بين المسجونين في السجون العربية مع عدم وجود آلية لعلاج هؤلاء المسجونين تمثل خطر مستقبلي كبير.

• The Concern:

The main concern is that current attempts to deal with the issue of drug addiction by governments, police departments, or specialized authorities are inefficient and ineffective. They are incapable of achieving tangible change in either preventing new incidences of drug addiction or convincing current abusers to simply start the journey to recovery….the failure to promote change is not because such attempts are incompetent. Rather, because the issue of drug addiction is bigger than that, it requires a collaboration between those
authorities, society, volunteers to start a ripple effect... to start change through a period of intensive work on the issue of drug addiction, start an effect, and hand the issue back on to the specialized authorities. This is the goal of our intensive, campaign!

المشكلة: -

حقيقة المشكلة أن الجهود الحالية المبذولة من جانب الحكومات وأجهزة الشرطة والجهات المتخصصة غير كافية وغير قادرة على تحقيق نتائج ملموسة سواء في اقناع الإصحاء من الشباب ليتجنبوا هذه الافة أو لاقناع المدمنين الحاليين بان يبدأو برنامج العلاج. وذلك ليس بسبب عدم كفاءة هذه الاجهزة لكن بسبب أن المشكلة أكبر من ان يقوم بحلها جهاز أو إدارة أو حكومة وإنما يحتاج الأمر إلي مشاركات بين هذه الجهات جميعا ومعها الجهات الشعبية والتطوعية لتهز المجتمع الشبابي كله لفترة محددة ومكثفة ثم تسلم نتائج عملها لهذه الجهات المتخصصة لتتابع عملها بعد هذه الحملة التوعوية الشعبية.

• The Campaign’s Goals:

The main goal of the campaign is to integrate society in the process of tackling the issue of drug addiction through = >

1. spreading awareness among non-users and so preventing new incidences of drug use…or abuse.

2. encouraging addicts to simply start a rehabilitation program .
This will take place through an intensive 5-week campaign, in which society is encouraged to participate

هدف الحملة :

تهدف الحملة إلي إشراك المجتمع في جهود التوعية لابعاد الاجيال الجديدة عن تعاطي وإدمان المخدارت وذلك بالتركيز علي أمرين اساسين :

1- اقناع وتوعية الاصحاء ليبقوا اصحاء.

2- توجيه المدمنين ليبدأو برنامج العلاج.

وسيتم ذلك من خلال حملة لمدة خمس اسابيع مطلوب فيها من المجتمع المشاركة في تحقيق الهدف.

• Means of Achieving the Goals:

1. Printing out a million stickers saying “no” to drugs.
2. Organizing 5 thousand events in the Arab world.
3. Encouraging 5 thousand drug abusers to start a rehabilitation program.

وسائل تحقيق الهدف :

سيتم قياس تحقيق الهدف من خلال ثلاثة وسائل محددة قابلة للقياس وهي كما يلي :

1- وضع مليون استكير بعنوان "لا للمخدرات".

2- إقامة خمسة الاف Event في العالم العربي.

3- توجيه خمسة الالاف مدمن عربي لبدء برنامج العلاج .

• Means of Achieving the Goals, in more detail…

1. Sticking a million stickers saying no to drugs in various areas were youth usually hang around; clubs, universities, high schools, public places,… a sticker has been specially designed and will be posted on the internet for everyone to print out and stick. There will be a count of the number of stickers printed to ensure that the goal is reached!

2. Organizing five thousand events in which awareness would take place, an event can be a concert, lecture, marathon, Friday-prayer “khotba”, newspaper article…etc.
Those first two steps pave the way to the third step

3. Encouraging five thousand addicts to start a rehabilitation program: this is a hard yet attainable goal, especially after accommodating the atmosphere of youth through the stickers, flyers, brochures and events. The goal is to start the rehabilitation process and not rehabilitate, since the rehabilitation process takes from four to six months… the goal is to encourage the addicts to start treatment through contacting the call centers or emails specially designed to receive their requests and refer them to the rehabilitation centers… collaborations have been made with most of the rehabilitation centers available in the Arab world to provide beds for the campaign and give up to 50% discounts on rehabilitation for the addicts entering through the campaign….there will also a proportion of beds reserved for free admission of those incapable of covering the expenses. The numbers of call centers, and the emails will be broadcasted through the various media channels

شرح وسائل تحقيق الهدف :

1- وضع مليون استكير بعنوان "لا للمخدرات" في أماكن تجمعات الشباب مثل النوادي والجامعات والمدراس الثانوي وغيرها من الاماكن العامة الشبابية. وقد تم تصميم استكير موحد سيوضع على مواقع الانترنت المختلفة ليسهل طباعته وتقليده مع وضع عداد على مواقع الانترنت للتاكد من تحقيق المستهدف.

2- إقامة خمسة الالاف Event في العالم العربي يقوم بها الشباب بتوعية بعضهم البعض مثل (حفل غنائي – خطبة جمعة – ندوة مدرسية – برنامج فضائي -ماراثون جري – فقرة في الإذاعة المدرسية – ندوة دينية – مقال صحفي- ندوة مع شخصية مشهورة ... إلي غير ذلك).

على أن يتم توفير أفكار ومواد دعائية للشباب على مواقع الانترنت المختلفة ليقوموا بطباعتها واستخدامها، وسيتم ايضا وضع عداد على مواقع الانترنت المختلفة كوسيلة قياس لتحقيق المستهدف.

· تعتبر الوسيلة الاولى والثانية السابقتين تمهيدا مهما واساسيا لتحقيق المستهدف الثالث والاخير.

3- توجيه 5 الالاف مدمن عربي لبدء برنامج العلاج : وهو مستهدف صعب وليس بالسهل لكنه قابل للتحقيق، خاصة وأنه سياتي بعد تهيئة الاجواء بين الشباب من خلال المليون استكير والـ 5000 Event . والمقصود هنا هو بدأ برنامج العلاج وليس العلاج نفسه فمن المعروف أن العلاج يستغرق فترة من اربع إلي ستة اشهر بينما المستهدف هنا هو بدء برنامج العلاج بمعنى أن تتحرك إرادة المدمن نفسه ويتصل بحملة حماية من خلال الـCall Center المخصص لذلك أو الايميل السري المخصص لذلك ليطلب توصيله بالمراكز المعالجة للادمان ليبدأ برنامج العلاج. وقد تم الاتفاق مع معظم مراكز علاج الادمان في العالم العربي لتوفير الاسرة بشكل خاص لحملة حماية وعمل خصومات مالية تصل إلي 50 % للمدمنين القادمين من طرف الحملة، كما تم الاتفاق ايضا مع هذه المراكز لتوفير جزء مجاني من الاسرة والعلاج للفقراء حتى لا تكون الحملة للاغنياء فقط. وسيتم الاعلان عن ارقام الـ Call Center والايميل السري والمراكز العلاجية من خلال الفضائيات والصحف والاذاعات ومواقع الانترنت.

• The Campaign’s Duration:

The campaign’s duration is 5 weeks starting from March 9, 2008, ending April 11, 2008.

• Note:

The campaign will start with a press conference held by the generalship of Dubai’s Police, under the sponsorship of Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan, Dubai Police Chief, with the presence of Mr. Mohamed Abdel Aziz, head of the United Nation’s office in the Middle East.

The campaign will end with a closure party in Cairo to announce the final results of the campaign, and to honor those who have given tremendous efforts during the campaign, and to announce the permanent future plans of facing the problem, which will be presented by the specialized authorities of dealing with drugs in the Arab world.

مدة الحملة:

مدة الحملة خمسة اسابيع تبدأ من تاريخ 9 مارس 2008 وتنتهي بتاريخ 11 ابريل 2008.

ملحوظة :

* ستبدأ الحملة بمؤتمر صحفي يعقد بالقيادة العامة لشرطة دبي تحت رعاية الفريق ضاحي خلفان رئيس شرطة دبي وبحضور الاستاذ محمد عبد العزيز رئيس مكتب الأمم المتحدة في الشرق الأوسط.

* وستختتم الحملة بحفل ختامي بالقاهرة لإعلان النتائج النهائية للحملة وبتكريم المتميزين في الأداء أثناء الحملة وباعلان الخطط المستقبلية الدائمة لمواجهة المشكلة وسيقدم هذه الخطط الجهات المتخصصة والمعنية بمواجهة المخدرات في العالم العربي.

• The Campaign’s Partners:

1. The Generalship of Dubai’s Police, represented by Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan, Dubai Police Chief

2. The United Nation’s Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), represented by Mr. Mohamed Abdel Aziz

3. The Right Start Foundation International, represented by Mr. Amr Khaled

4. Figures of media, culture, arts, and sports… The campaign is national, and does not preserve certain names or people and whatever helps in protecting the nation and protecting the youth is a success to the noble goal of the campaign. Therefore, the participation of the figures of the media, arts, and sports, in the way they find appropriate, being involved with or separate from the three primary partnerships , is not only useful, but also necessary to save millions of the Arab youth from all kinds of drugs.

شركاء الحملة :

1- القيادة العامة لشرطة دبي ويمثلها الفريق ضاحي خلفان.

2- مكتب الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة الجريمة والمخدرات يمثله الاستاذ محمد عبد العزيز.

3- مؤسسة رايت ستارت الدولية ويمثلها الاستاذ عمرو خالد.

4- رموز الاعلام والثقافة والفن والرياضة.. والحملة قومية وليست حكرا على اسماء أو اشخاص وبالتالي فكل ما يصب في مصلحة حماية الوطن وحماية الشباب هو نجاح للهدف السامي للحملة وبالتالي فان مشاركة رموز الاعلام والفن والرياضة بالشكل الذي يرونه مناسبا مرتبط أو منفصلا عن الشركاء الثلاثة الأوائل هو مفيد بل ومطلوب لإنقاذ ملايين الشباب العربي من آفة المخدارت.

• The Campaign’s preparations:

1. A unique sticker has been designed with the title “No Drugs”

2. A three minute short movie has been shot, which targets guiding and leading the addicts to start the rehabilitation program, and will be offered for free to satellite T.V. channels.

3. A “Rap” song has been produced, which speaks to the addicts in their own language, to help let them start the rehabilitation program.

4. A deal has been done with 25 rehabilitation centers to preserve beds, and cure 5000 addicts, with a discount that reaches 50% for whom can afford paying the therapy costs, and this is in addition to 15% of the total cases that are being treated for free. This amount will be divided into two groups; the first group will include half of the addicts to be treated at the beginning of the campaign, and the second group will include the other half, who will be treated four months after.

5. A Hotline has been offered, and an email which keeps everything confidential, both to receive addicts requests of wanting to get treated and start the rehabilitation program.

6. 120 young men and women, from “Homat El Mostakbal” team, have been trained to “Outreach” to the addicts at their places to try to convince them of starting a rehabilitation program, where the target of each of them is convincing and encouraging ten addicts who are willing to start the rehabilitation program, acknowledging that this is the first time “Outreach” is being done voluntarily in the Arab Nation.

7. There has been a deal with 5000 young men and women from “Homat El Mostakbal” team, who have been trained under the United Nations, Dubai Police, and Right Start, to participate as volunteers in implementing the means of the campaign.

8. There has been training sessions prepared, specialized in training parents of addicts, as well as friends of addicts, in how to treat their son or friend addict, until they convince him/her into starting the rehabilitation program and guiding him/her to Hemaya Campaign.

9. There has been a deal done with five internet sites to entirely adopt the campaign on the internet, where one of these sites is, as well a special Hemaya site on the official website of the Arabic Police.

10. A deal is currently being done with several satellite T.V. channels, newspapers, and other Medias, to adopt the campaign in the media sector.

تجهيزات الحملة

1- تم تصميم استيكر متميز بعنوان لا للمخدرات.

2- تم تصوير فيلم قصير مدته 3 دقائق يهدف إلي توجيه المدمنين لبدء برنامج العلاج وسيقدم الفيلم مجانا للفضائيات المختلفة.

3- تم عمل أغنية (راب) تكلم المدمنين بلغتهم لبدء برنامج العلاج.

4- تم الاتفاق مع 25 مركز لعلاج الادمان لتوفير الاسرة والعلاج لـ 5000 مدمن وخصم يصل إلي 50 % لمن هو قادر على تحمل نفقات العلاج، وهذا بالاضافة إلي 15 % من إجمالي الحالات يتم علاجهم بالمجان. على أن يتم استقبال هذا العدد على مرحلتين، مرحلة في بداية الحملة لعلاج نصف العدد المطلوب ومرحلة أخرى بعد اربع اشهر لبدء علاج النصف الاخر.

5- تم توفير خط ساخن وايميل سري لتلقي طلبات المدمنين لبدء برنامج العلاج.

6- تم تدريب 120 شاب من فريق حماة المستقبل من دول عربية مختلفة ليكونوا قادرين على القيام للوصول للمدمنين في أماكنهم وإقناعهم ببدء برنامج العلاج، حيث المستهدف من كل منهم أن يوصل عشر مدمنين مستعدين لبدء العلاج، علما بان هذه الطريقة (الـOutreach) تستخدم لاول مرة من خلال متطوعين في العالم العربي.

7- تم الاتفاق مع خمسة الالاف شاب من فرق حماة المستقبل المدربين من قبل الأمم المتحدة وشرطة دبي ورايت ستارت ليشاركوا كمتطوعين في تنفيذ وسائل الحملة.

8- تم إعداد دورة متخصصة لتدريب أهالي المدمنين وأصدقائهم عن كيفية التعامل مع ابنهم المدمن حتى يصلوا إلي اقناعه ببدء برنامج العلاج وتوصيله لحملة حماية.

9- تم الاتفاق مع خمس مواقع انترنت لتتبنى الحملة بالكامل على الإنترنت ومن هذه المواقع موقع عمروخالد دوت نت وموقع حماية الخاص بالشرطة العربية.

10- يتم الاتفاق حاليا مع عدة فضائيات وصحف وإذاعات لتبني الحملة اعلاميا .

• The Campaign’s Program:

First Week :
  • Putting out one million stickers of the title “No Drugs”.

Second Week :
  • Having 5000 “Events” in the Arab World.
  • Continuing with first week’s activity.

Third week :
  • Guidance of 5000 Arab addict to start a rehabilitation program.
  • Continuing all previous activities.

Fourth Week :

  • Proceeding with the start of the therapy of the 5000 addicts, focusing on the importance of treating prisoners.

Fifth Week :
  • Final continuation of the campaign and the closure party.

برنامج الحملة

الأسبوع الأول :
- وضع مليون استكير بعنوان "لا للمخدرات".
الأسبوع الثانى :
- اقامة 5000 Event فى العالم العربى
- مع متابعة نشاط الأسبوع الأول
الأسبوع الثالث :
- توجيه 5000 مدمن عربى للعلاج
- مع متابعة كل ما سبق.
الأسبوع الرابع :
- متابعة بدء علاج الخمسة آلاف مدمن مع التركيز على أهمية علاج المسجونين
الأسبوع الخامس :
- متابعة نهائية للحملة و حفل الختام

• Other Goals for the Campaign:

1. The guidance of 5000 addicts to start a rehabilitation program through this campaign will persistently lead to the motivation and action of many millions of addicts who will be motivated to start a rehabilitation program in the future too. This will lead to the construction of more rehabilitation centers in order to acquire the addicts’ need to get treated, based on the Law of Supply and Demand.

2. This campaign has a bigger role than just the drug issue, which is educating society about positivity, especially because this campaign provides a solved model of how to solve our complex problems through having a united spirit in the society to tackle these problems. And therefore, this campaign will be an applied idea and a solved model, which can be repeated and imitated.

أهداف أخرى للحملة

1- أن توجيه 5000 مدمن لبدء برنامج العلاج من خلال هذه الحملة سيؤدي بالتبعية إلي تحريك وتحفيز الكثير من الملايين المدمنين ليتشجعوا في المستقبل لبدء برنامج العلاج ايضا.وسينتج عن ذلك إنشاء مزيد من المراكز العلاجية لاستيعاب اقبال المدمنين على العلاج وفقا لقانون العرض والطلب.

2- هذه الحملة لها دور اكبر من قضية المخدرات وذلك من خلال تعليم المجتمع الايجابية خاصة وأن هذه الحملة تقدم مثال محلول لكيفية حل مشاكلنا المستعصية إذا دبت روح التكاتف في المجتمع لمواجهة هذه المشاكل. وبذلك تكون هذه الحملة نموذجا ومثالا محلولا قابل للتكرار و التقليد.

For more Details please visit any of these sites = >
The Call Center no. for the Campaign is =>
0168808001 - 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9

Thanks a lot for your time, waiting for your comments Jazakom ALLAH 7'ayran Wa Nafa3 Bekom Al Islam Wa AL Muslimeen.


Monday, February 11, 2008

ُEgypt is CAN Champion from 2006 to 2008 and upto 2010 ...... MABROOOK LEMASR

Alsalam Alikom,

How are you today??

Very Happy I think, one of the happiest days in Egyptian history,
we are the Champions .... CAN 2006, 2008 and up to 2010 ..... Ole Ole Ole Ole .... Ole Ole ....

Some Points i wanna point out 1st --->>>

Some oF Hassan Shehata's Records ..

  1. Only coach in CAN that won 12 successive matches without a defeat - MASHA2 ALLAH -
  2. Only Egyptian or Foreign coach that granted Egypt 2 successive CAN titles.
  3. Only coach in Africa that won the title with both Youth in 2003 and with 1st team 2006 & 2008.
  4. The coach that granted Egypt its biggest win over Cameron & Ivory Coast 4-2 & 4-1 respectively.

Hasan Shehata Actually Has a very impressive CV ... as in addition to the above records ..

  1. He is the one who presented the Best Team in Egyptian History, as most of the players were his own discovery, he presented Emad Motaeb, Amr Zaki, Hosni Abd Rabou, Ahmed Fathi and the late Mohamed Abd ElWahab in the Youth team ....
  2. In Egypt, He is the only Coach that qualified 3 teams from the league's 2nd division to the premier league in 3 successive years with "Ilmenia, ELSharkia and Monta7'ab ElSowais" in years 1997, 1998,1999 ..
  3. The Only Coach that trained a team playing in league's 2nd Division to win a local title, he did it with "ElMokaweloon El3arab" when he won the Egyptian Cup and The Super Cup titles in 2004 from Ahly and Zamalek the 2 polars of Egyptian football 2-1 & 4-2 respectively.

Hassan Shehata is CURRENTLY called " The Most Dangerous Man In Africa" like Mr. X .... hehehe.... :):):)

But let's not forget the role that is played by The President of the Egyptian confederation of Football "Sameer Zaher". This man knows how to deal with the Egyptian System to actually grant Egypt success following success as he also made a record of His own as He is the only president of Egyptian Football Confederation that during his presidency -->> Egypt won the CAN Title 3 times : 1998, 2006, 2008, sure this is not a coincidence ...

I believe that the reasons that helped Egypt won the title for the 2nd successive time are ..

  1. For the 1st time there is a good Administration handling the Egyptian Confederation.
  2. For the 1st time we have one of the best coaches ever -if not the best- on the head of our team who has the best tactic capabilities and knows how to deal with the players psychologically, have their respect and united them for one Goal " ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL " ...
  3. For the 1st time the coach is with the team since 2 years i.e. we had "Istekrar Idary"
  4. For the 1st time we had players that have incredible talents & capable of making a difference in our quest Like Zidan, Treka, Hosni Abd Rabou and ElHadry.
  5. & Don't Forget the most important thing --->> The players had their 1st goal is to make the Egyptian People Happy 3amalan BeKawloh "MAN AD7'AL ALSOROR 3ALA AHL Bayt MEN BEYOOT ELMOSLEMENN .... " & the Faith in ALLAH that all th players had while on the top as they never forgot ALLAH's Blessings to them ... best image and best publicity to Islam when all the players got on their knees thanking ALLAH.

So, what are Our next goals ???

  1. To win the FIFA Confederation Cup, South Africa 2009.
  2. To qualify for the World Cup 2010 and why not win it???!!!!

Some of you may think that i'm dreaming, but let's state some facts ...

  • In this tournament we defeated teams that their players actually worth 180 Euros = about 1000,000,000 i.e. 1 Billion EGPs, i'm talking about Ivory Coast ...

  • We defeated teams that qualified to world cup and made a pretty impressive results there.
  • The players we played against like Eto'o, Drogba, .... are the best in their teams, and they still couldn't manage to play against us ...
  • Cameron reached the final against France in FIFA Confederation Cup before, and Senegal reached 1/4 final in FIFA World Cup before, so why not we do better and we defeated both ???
  • We proved that talents are not the cause to win, but the spirit, the determination and the team performance are the most important , did you saw how Zidan extracted the ball from Song and he wights twice as he is and passed it to Treka who scored ???? & see How Hosni Was The Lion Heart of the team " Qalb El Asad " ...

  • We Still didn't played with our full power, as we missed Barakat, Hosam Ghaly & Mido.

Common, i believe that if we stayed the same, and improved ourselves more, we can do it, I Think my dream is legitimate ....

So, what's next to achieve our goals??

I think the most appropriate plan is ...

  • We should re-elect Sameer Zaher again next year to continue the journey with the team
  • We should sign Shehata till 2010

Now Let's leave you with Something that call for Honor ...

  1. Abo Treka granted the most Honorable Yellow Card that any Player could ever have, when he Sympathized with Ghaza, the photo that google deleted from its index after extreme pressures from Jewish Media and by that he Actually United ALL Arabs ... ALLAH YEKREMAK We YE3ZAK YA FANAN.
  2. He Also won the best player in the Final game.

  3. Hosni Abd Raboh won the Best Player in the CAN 2008.
  4. Esam ElHadary won The Best goal Keeper in CAN 2008.

  5. The confederation of African Football (CAF) has released the Best XI for the 26th MTN Africa Cup of Nations, Ghana 2008.The team was decided by the Technical Study Group (TSG) after careful observations of the tournament matches. 5 of our National Team in best XI and 2 in substitutes ... here is the full list ..

Best XI

Essam El Hadary (Egypt) ElSAD EL3aly

Geremi Njitap (Cameroon)

Wael Gomaa (Egypt) Sa7'ret ElDefa3 Kaher Drogba

Michael Essien (Ghana)

Sulley Muntari (Ghana)

Yaya Touré (Cote d’Ivoire)

Alexandre Song (Cameroon)

Hosny Abd Rabou (Egypt) Lion Heart "Qalb ElASAD"

Mohamed Aboutreika (Egypt) ABD ALLAH ELFANAN ELTAKY


Manucho (Angola)


Richard Kingson (Ghana)

Hany Saïd (Egypt) 3A2L WE HODOO2 ELDONIA


Frej Saber (Tunisia)

Stephane Mbia (Cameroon)

Didier Drogba (Cote I’voir) Ra7et 3alaih, 23ad substitute to Treka we Zaki

Kader Keita (Cote d’Ivoire)

At Last, 1 lesson .. we all united behind a target, did our best to achieve it, had great faith in ALLAH and our work was purely to achieve ALLAH's blessings (SEDK ELNAWAYA), so we did it ... please keep that in mind forever & try to apply it in every aspect of your lives ...

Take to you later,

waiting for your comments ...


